Sunday, February 22, 2015

Axis Human Capital Group conducts Corporate Trainings

Ghana, Africa – With an aim to increase the quality of workforce and labor in Africa, Axis Human Capital, with a group of individuals to pursue its goal, conducts training in operations and human resource-related issues which includes Strategic Planning 101 which defines the company’s best strategy to maximize their resources and increase their ROI; Business Presentation Skills which enhances the company’s communication skills in marketing their business; Negotiation in which executives, owners and leaders are taught on how to deal with people; Leadership which brings out the essence of the term and Diversity Management in which it teaches leaders on how to deal with diversified people in the team with different cultures and values. The company also conducts Teambuilding Exercises and Organizational Performance Management among many others.

It can be remembered that the team also conducted other research and development trainings for companies, employers and employees alike.

Axis Human Capital Group is specialized in human resources and has built their reputation for recruiting high-caliber candidates for employers and working with them to develop their organizational capacities through trainings and other projects. They also work with job seekers for their own individual growth, preparing them for the real world ahead and mapping out their most suitable career path through CV reviews.

With each passing year, Axis has supported and lent a hand to individuals and companies to globally compete in their own field, showing the others and the world that African people also have the ability to do what this generation has always done: to excel and succeed. Now, not only do these individuals compete and challenge one another in their own continent as they have also explored other countries such as America, Hongkong and Europe where greater opportunities are at hand. They already pose as a threat and a warning to people around the world.

For the last decade, Africa has been reported to be the worst continent for employment but companies such as Axis proves otherwise. The company is known to support and promote African development by enhancing the country’s human capital. Just like other places such as Jakarta in Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Mauritania in Africa and other neighboring countries and continents which are tagged to be the lowest of the low, Ghana has demonstrated its capacity to still grow and has established its name in the world’s fastest developing nation.

Axis Human Capital Group is continuously conducting these trainings. You can visit their website to learn more.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Money vs. Career

Every year, millions of eager young graduates step into their real world either in pursuance of their career in college or with the mindset that they can finally earn money for themselves. The latter often find themselves 20 years later to either be satisfied with their choice or not quite sure what their main goal in life still is. Very few people know what their specific purpose in life is in high school. Some might realize it in college but a lot of people who are already working have never really been able to identify their real identity or what they want to be.

When we are still young, we have specific goals: either to be a doctor, pilot, teacher or preacher. As we grow older, priorities change. We slowly understand other options, reveal hidden talents, acknowledge other skills and determine which pays more. There are so many career paths that can suite us. One thing that hinders it, though: money.

Lucky are those children who have parents that can send them to quality schools and pursue a degree related to their interest. How about those young children who have their interest at heart but have to consider a lot of factors before jumping into decisions or have to follow their parents’ choice against their will without complaints? There are also children who never had a definite choice in the first place but are willing to invest 4-5 years of their life into something that may bring them money after graduation. In the end, these children end up unemployed or wasted.

One of the reasons why there is no decline in global unemployment rate is because of the people that have not yet decided which path to take after graduation. According to The Atlantic data review, capital countries like Beijing China, New Delhi India, United States, Jakarta Indonesia and Brazil have continued to top the chart in unemployment rate despite their economic development and their being tagged as the most populous countries in the world over the years.

It is always an issue that tugs all of us: a satisfying job or a satisfying paycheck. Few had succeeded in pursuing both. These individuals are considered to be far more talented and persevered than others. To those that cannot balance both, they are forced to sacrifice one. Unfortunately, more and more young children now choose to be practical. Older people choose money as well, over that which is their true passion. That is why there is the existence of labor employment which employs everyone that can either endure 8 hrs in front of a machinery or can take a minimum of 100 calls per day except of course, if anyone dreams of being scraped to the skin or of pacifying irate customers every now and then.

There are a few companies such as Axis Human Capital Group which employs a group of people with an aim to change the way people work and develop talents especially in Ghana, Africa. These kinds of recruitment agencies have already built a reputation of employing high-caliber candidates so there are lesser risks of frauds.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Axis Human Capital Group Supports Ghana’s Continued Growth

Ghana, Africa - Axis Human Capital, a recruitment group based in Africa, supports Ghana’s continued growth and development in its economy.

According to the African Economic Outlook, the country remains positive with projected GDP growth of 8.3%. Moreover, Ghana’s government statistics added that the value of goods and services produced in the 3rd quarter of 2014 grew by 0.7% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2014.

The growth drivers of 2014 are the following:

Livestock – 17.9%
Finance and Insurance Activities – 6.4%
Fishing – 6.4%
Electricity - 6.4%

Africa’s growth and development increased by 5.1% in the 3rd quarter of 2014 compared to the review of data in 2013. The Industry sector recorded the highest growth of 8.1%, the Agriculture Sector followed with 4.4%, while Services recorded a growth rate of 3.5%.

This may be the reason that Trading Economics data in 2014 states that in the three months to September, quarterly changes reflect an increase in employment and decrease in unemployment rate. Increases in employment were observed in both the formal and the informal sectors. Employment increased by 16,000 in the Agricultural industry. Compared to a year earlier, employment increased by 81,000.

Just like in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and Hongkong, which have now been reported to increase in their employment rate, this is largely due to increases in the formal and the informal sectors that grew by 134,000 and 85,000 jobs respectively in third quarter of 2014.

Although Africa, as a whole, still remained to be recorded to have the highest unemployment rate in the world, Ghana’s development has triggered hope among its fellow African countries in the possibility of slow growth towards economic success. After all, the continent is home to a third of planet’s mineral reserves, a tenth of the oil and it produces two-thirds of the diamonds. Investors have believed that the continent is far richer in natural resources than any country is.

Economists and researchers review Africa to be one of the fastest growing region in the world. With the promise of better education system, infrastructure development and sensible revolutionary reforms, Africa may lead a hope of a bright future ahead.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Unemployment Rate Generally Shows No Improvement

According to the report gathered by the International Labor Organization (ILO), unemployment rate generally shows no improvement in the last 10 years. Most countries have maintained their unemployment rate while others have either declined or increased for a few point percentages.

In the Developed Economies and the European Union, labor market conditions showed no signs of improvement during 2014. In Central and South-Eastern Europe (non-EU) and CIS countries, the fall in unemployment recorded since the crisis peak of 2009 was reversed in 2013; Employment growth continued to outpace labor force expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean; In East Asia, employment growth remained weak, consistent with weak labor force growth; In South-East Asia and the Pacific, employment expanded by 1.6 % in 2013 and is projected to outpace growth in the working age population in the coming years; labor markets continued to suffer from high rates of informal/agricultural employment where jobs are poorly paid and unprotected in South Asia; the economic growth rate in 2013 proved too low to generate sufficient employment opportunities for a fast growing population, and unemployment remained the highest in the world in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa, paid employment opportunities are scarce and the vulnerable employment rate, at 77.4 % in 2013, remained the highest of all regions.

Mauritania has the highest unemployment rate of 30.1% in the last quarter of 2014 as reported by ILO. The country’s percentage has been constantly decreasing from 32.1% in 2005 but it has also been constantly recorded in the top 5 for the last 10 years. Cambodia, on the other hand has recorded to have the lowest unemployment rate with only 0.4% in the first half of 2014

Among all the regions, South East Asia and the Pacific have shown great potential in economic growth and development which imposes a warning to other developed countries. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia have tied with both 3% unemployment rates. Jakarta Indonesia, despite leading Asia in infrastructure and construction industry thus employing thousands of employees is reported to still have 6% unemployed citizens in its population.

Africa, on the other hand, has been experiencing an increase in their unemployment rate. Ghana, for instance, has 12.9%, its highest unemployment record according to Trading Economics. The lack of job vacancies and have caused these numbers to increase from 11.20% from 2014.

South Asia has also been experiencing a laggard decline of unemployment rate despite the great rise of China. Hongkong also has 3% and is expected to maintain the number for the next 5 more years.

About Axis Human Capital Group  Human Resource agencies like Axis Human Capital, a group of HR professionals which is located in Ghana, aims to help decrease unemployment rate by organizing events for employment awareness, particularly in Africa. We work with job seekers to map out their career paths and prepare them for career opportunities through individual career coaching, workshops and CV reviews. We also build the capacity of entrepreneurs through tailored business advisory services for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Action Speaks Louder than Words

Non-verbal communication is as essential in any interview as the words you say. In fact, it tells more about you. But there are a lot of interviewees who get jitters and nerves before the actual meeting thus causing them to convey it through their actions. 

People usually get nervous because of the panic they feel in the thought of meeting the interviewer. The main reason for this is mostly because we are already thinking of the outcome of the interview, worried if we can give the right answers and anxious about the questions. Most people don’t realize that we are already building an impression even before the start of the interview proper from the time we open the door until the time we walk out of it. 

These non-verbal languages we convey may affect our interview so we really have to be cautious in how we act in front of our potential boss. 

Build Your Confidence

It doesn’t matter whether you are in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Europe or America to know this: being called for an interview is a big opportunity. It means you have been evaluated and are a step from being hired. They wouldn’t entertain you if you are worth nothing to them. 


You will need to have a goal and focus on that. Review the most commonly asked questions during an interview the facts that you want to share about yourself and the information you have gathered about the company. Remain professional throughout the process. 

You should also prepare for your physical appearance. Choose an outfit that best suit the company’s feel without compromising your own taste. Overdoing your outfit may make you look dull and boring but if you are applying to a big, corporate company, wearing a flowery dress or comfort shoes may not be appropriate.

The Interview

During the interview, be alert on what your interviewer is saying and consider these important non-verbal factors:

1. Eye Contact
- Remember that eyes are the windows to one’s soul. Maintaining eye contact with your interviewer during the whole course of your interview is essential but make sure you don’t creep them out. If you look away while you are talking, it shows that you lack confidence or might send the impression that you are a fraud; if your interviewer is talking and you are looking around the room, it shows that you have a very short attention span and might offend the one speaking.

2. Facial Expression
- Eliminate any negative features. If you are sad or tired during those times, throw them out of the window and smile. It will not only give the impression that you are a happy person but may also lift all your heavy feeling. A genuine smile can be very contagious. You do not need to plaster that smile all throughout the interview but always remember to keep coming back to it.

3. Posture
- This one imposes confidence and power. Stand tall, walk tall and sit tall.

4. Gesture
- Hand gestures while we talk are normal to human beings. We just need to manage it. Usually when a person is nervous, he is overly conscious of himself to the point that his gestures are already not connected with the other parts of his body. Make sure that your gestures are natural and meaningful.

The most important aspect of interviewing is your attitude. If you want to rise above others with better experience, better grades, or better anything, you will need to work on developing a highly positive work attitude. The way most employers differentiate at the entry level is by candidates' attitudes toward the job. 

About Axis Human Capital Group

Axis Human Capital is a group of professionals who aim to enhance personal talents especially in Ghana, Africa. We work with job seekers to map out their potential and career paths. Since its inception in 2008, Axis group has built a reputation for recruiting high-caliber candidates for employees and has assured our employers against fraud or scam.

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